Declaring a custom type

You can use e.types.declare. Make sure to specify a unique prefix to distinguish your type from others with the same name.

You should specify fields created with e.field. They can have an optional documentation with doc.

#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e: field, types

#let person = e.types.declare(
  prefix: "@preview/my-package,v1",
  fields: (
    field("name", str, doc: "Person's name", required: true),
    field("age", int, doc: "Person's age", default: 40),
    field("preference", types.any, doc: "Anything the person likes", default: none)

  e.repr(person("John", age: 50, preference: "soup")),
  "person(age: 50, preference: \"soup\", name: \"John\")"

Your type, in this case person, can then be used as the type of an element's field, or used with e.types.cast in other scenarios.

Take a look at the following chapters, such as Casts, to read about more options that can be used to customize your new type.