Declaring a custom element
Want to make a reusable and stylable component for your users? You can start by creating your own element as described below.
First steps
You can use the element.declare
function to create a custom element.
It will return the constructor for this element, which you should export from your package or file:
#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e
#let theorem = e.element.declare(
// Element name.
// A prefix to disambiguate from elements with the same name.
// Elements with the same name and prefix are treated as equal
// by the library, which may cause bugs when mixing them up,
// so conflicts should be avoided.
prefix: "@preview/my-package,v1",
// Default show rule: how this element displays itself.
display: it => [Hello world!],
// No fields for now.
fields: ()
// Place it in the document:
This will display "Hello world!" in the document. Great!
Note that the element prefix
is fundamental for distinguishing elements with the same name. The idea is for the element name to be simple (as that's what is displayed in errors and such), but the element prefix should be as unique as possible. (However, try to not make it way too long either!)
Importantly, if you ever change the prefix (say, after a major update to your package), users of the element with the old prefix (i.e. in older versions) will not be compatible with the element with the new prefix (that is, their set rules won't target them and such). While this could be frustrating at first, it is necessary if you change up your element's fields in a breaking way to avoid bugs and incompatibility problems. Therefore, you may want to consider adding a version number to the prefix (could be your library's major version number or just a number specific to that element) which is changed on each breaking change to the element's fields.
Adding fields
You may want to have your element's appearance be configurable by end users through fields. Let's add a color field to change the fill of text inside our theorem:
#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e
#let theorem = e.element.declare(
prefix: "my-package",
// Default show rule receives the constructed element.
display: it => text(fill: it.fill)[Hello world!],
fields: (
// Specify field name, type, brief description and default.
// This allows us to override the color if desired.
e.field("fill", e.types.paint, doc: "The text fill.", default: red),
// This theorem will display "Hello world!" in red.
// This theorem will display "Hello world!" in blue.
#theorem(fill: blue)
Here we use e.types.paint
instead of just color
because the fill
could be a gradient or tiling as well, for example; paint
is a shorthand for e.types.union(color, gradient, tiling)
To read more about the types that can be used for fields, read the Type system chapter.
Note that omitting default: red
in the field creation would have caused an error, as Elembic cannot infer a default value for the color type.
However, that isn't a problem if, say, we add a required field with required: true
. These fields do not need a default.
By default, required fields are positional, although one can also force them to be named through named: true
(and vice-versa: you can have non-required fields be positional with named: false
Let's give it a shot by allowing the user to customize what goes inside the element:
#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e
#let theorem = e.element.declare(
prefix: "my-package",
display: it => text(fill: it.fill)[#fields.body],
fields: (
// Force this field to be specified.
e.field("body", content, required: true),
e.field("fill", e.types.paint, doc: "The text fill.", default: red),
// This theorem will display "Wowzers!" in red.
// This theorem will display "Some content" in blue.
#theorem(fill: blue)[Some content]
Note that this also allows users to override the default values of fields through set rules (see Styling elements for more information):
#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e
#let theorem = e.element.declare(
prefix: "my-package",
display: it => text(fill: it.fill)[#fields.body],
fields: (
// Force this field to be specified.
e.field("body", content, required: true),
e.field("fill", e.types.paint, doc: "The text fill.", default: red),
#show: e.set_(theorem, fill: green)
// This theorem will display "Impressed!" in green.
Accessing context
If you need to access the current context within display
(or other element functions receiving fields), you can use
or its related functions. In particular, e.counter(it)
provides the element's counter, whereas e.func(it)
provides the element constructor itself. Check the page about custom references for more information.