Labels and references

Labelable elements (with labelable: true, the default) can be labelled with #elem(label: <label-name>). Compared to what would be a more usual syntax (#elem() <label-name>, which should not be used), using label as an argument not only allows accessing the element's final fields in show rules, it also allows references to work, when properly setup.

To add reference support to an element, add reference: (...) in the element's declaration. It requires the keys supplement and numbering, which can be their usual values (content and string) or functions final fields => value, if you want the user to be able to override those values through supplement and numbering fields in the element. However, your reference can also be fully customized with (custom: fields => content).

Then, you must tell your user to call #show: e.prepare() at the top of their own document, so that references will work properly.

By default, the number used by references is the element's own counter (accessible with e.counter(elem)), stepped by one for each element. You can use e.g. count: counter => counter.update(n => n + 2) or even count: counter => fields => (something using fields) to change this behavior.

#import "@local/elembic:0.0.1" as e: field

// The line below must be written by the END USER for references to work!
#show: e.prepare()

#let theorem = e.element.declare(
  prefix: "my-package",

  display: it => [*Theorem #e.counter(it).display("1"):* #text(fill: it.fill)[#it.body]],

  reference: (
    supplement: [Theorem],
    numbering: "1"

  fields: (
    e.field("body", content, required: true),
    e.field("fill", e.types.paint, doc: "The text fill.", default: red),

#theorem(label: <my-thm>)[*Hello world*]
#theorem(fill: blue, label: <other-thm>)[*1 + 1 = 2*]

Here is @my-thm

Here is @other-thm

"Theorem 1: Hello world" (in red), "Theorem 2: 1 + 1 = 2" (in blue), "Here is Theorem 1", "Here is Theorem 2"